Monday, April 20, 2009

Boy's Play Cape in Puffin

this is Marcelo in his new Puffin play cape.
the machine washable soft yarn is wonderful for play and fun to knit as it feels like soft flannel strips puffin colors

Rhode Island

These pics are for the Rhode Island sock. It was designed by KyleAnn Williams

50 socks book update

This is the New Jersey sock, designed by Sheila Piasecki and called blueberry toes.
the model was knit by Beth in AK, using kid merino to get jus tthe right colors for the New Jersey blue and buff

lots of great inspiration!

Susan B Anderson SusanBAnderson has some adorable ideas for you to knit, and often has contests as well as seasonal/holiday items
bunny and egg and butterfly cloths made of cotton chenille, baby hat from new Mini-Mochi, etc!