Friday, March 7, 2008


Seeing this sock has just made my day/week/mood! it's grey here or cold... and not much is stirring - well, a few birds. we're having a dry spring, which doesn't help things come up. and some of my trees are looking thirsty.

This lovely sock "Jacobean" is by Elizabeth - in Panda Silk. It is part of a Sock-Knitters Pentathlon blogpost here.

You can also see more interesting goodies at Elizabeth's store - - i typed in the link and blogger is being bad, keeps telling me it's not a blog, which i know! trying again RiverKnitsYarns where i'm going now to poke around!

blessings, :L
ps the color card for the panda silk is HERE Panda Silk
as elizabeth said, panda silk is not expensive although it's so exquisitely luxurious it seems so!

Bianca's socks

Hi folks
this is entry #1 in the March is for Aqua [or green] CPY contest.

The sock is by Bianca Becker, whose blog is lansingerland!

The lovely design is called "Jerry"

Bianca's sock was knit with Panda Wool Panda Wool Color card

blessings, :L

Winners! Pink is for February Contest

We have 3 winners!

Kala has won 2 pink sk of CPY yarn, her choice.
Adrienne has won Vicki Square's new book "knit kimono"
Susi has won a priority mailer of knitting magazines [some older] from my stash

do look at their lovely knits below!

blessings, :L