We used a random number generator [as usual] to select the winners: 4. 6. 7
4 = Barbara M, who knit the kiluea sock designed by Adrienne Fong
6= Blogger "ShutUpImCounting"and
7 Insanknitty
so you've each won 2 sk of the new Panda Silk in DK wt, enough for a luscious scarf
or something fun!
Pick from the following colors DK Panda Silk
Misty Meadow 1012
Frosted Iris 9800
Cranberry Tones 8011
Mint Cream 6008
Natural 6204
Denim Tones 8007
I've just finished knitting a sock with the Misty Meadow and another with Cranberry/Natural/Denim, and promise they are luscious!
Please email me proflaura@firststepinternet.com or drlauraAsirius@gmail.com ASAP
so we can get your addies and send your prizes...
blessings, L