I was very surprised, myself, by the results.
We asked "when knitting socks, do you prefer"
4 dpn = 26%
5 dpn = 31%
1 circ = 20%
2 circs = 27%
and "depends" 7%
that means that the use of circs combined is 47% while the use of dpn is 57%. To me, it signifies
that the circs have really come into their own for a lot of people, while others still love the
I personally love the dpn and tend to use 4 as i just like the tactile feeling of the CPY bamboo needles and the silly porcupine look of it... every time i try to use 5 dpn i find myself back using 4 without planning it.
were you surprised?
we did have one lady write who really loves doing the 2-needle straight method and adding
a seam.
blessings, :L