Friday, March 27, 2009

Maple Leaf Lace for "50 Socks-50 States"

This picture is Instep detail of Lace Maple Leaf Socks , shown in Crystal Palace
Panda Silk, color 4011 Cranberry Tones.

In my younger years, I spent many wonderful summers in western Ontario,
Canada where my grandparents had a log cabin home on a pristine spring-fed
lake abounding with natural beauty and wonders. Whenever seeing the Maple
Leaf emblazoned on the National Flag of Canada, my memories of those happy
times I spent in Canada resurface. And thus, when offered the opportunity to
design socks as a tribute to my northern neighbors, a maple leaf motif
seemed an obvious choice as a focal element.

Jackie E-S /
Distinctive knitting patterns for every level
Featuring patterns for Knitted Lace and Beaded Knitting
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PS the '50 Socks - 50 States" book includes tributes to Canada & Mexico as well as for US territories Guam and Puerto Rico

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This shawl is by BadCATdesigns and was knit by Debbie Renno Grandma07 using Mini-Mochi from Crystal Palace yarns Mini-Mochi1 . There will soon be new colors too! Mini-Mochi2

This gorgeous Shawl was knit by Debbie Renno (Grandma07) in Mini-Mochi Autumn. She called it Autumn in NY.

new Mini Mochi colors!

here are new colors of Mini-Mochi available about May

Treasure Chest
Tropical Ginger

Bossa Nova
Baby Face
purple dawn


i'm already in line to try two of each! LOL

Monday, March 23, 2009


Judy Alexander TheKnitter has just sent me a preview of her Rocky Mountain Majesty sock for the book!