Monday, October 13, 2008

The Sheep-free Knitter

Well, what a treat. you have to see all Abigail's knits! abigailvr

Wonderful Maizy Baby Sweater

MaizyColors with 4 new ones for Spring!
Panda Cotton knits panda cotton colors
Ivana's socks sokken for Sven

These are the Cat Bordhi Coriolis socks, with 2 colors of panda cotton.

Mingus - panda cotton

Socks for Bartholemew - panda cotton

Baudelaire - panda cotton [i love love love progress shots, don't you?]

Here are some Corny baby gifts - made with Indian Corn colorway of Maizy

Applause for Abigail!

1 comment:

N. Maria said...

I LOVE your blog! Love all the pictures and "short" and to the point notes!